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22.12.2023 | General
Zöwie in the spotlight: A visit from “Die Zeit”

At Zöwie, every day is a new opportunity to celebrate our passion for high-quality wrapping paper and the art of wrapping and unwrapping. Last December, however, we had the special honor of receiving a visit from Germany’s largest weekly newspaper “Die Zeit”, who wrote an article about our company.

The article, published under the title “Gift wrap manufacturer Zöwie: A factory visit”, offers a deep insight into our world and our mission. From our CEO Jürgen Popp to our designated successor Maximilian Popp, journalist Rebecca Kelber captured our story and shed light on our values, traditions and innovations.

Ms. Kelber delved deep into our production facilities, experiencing first-hand the process from the creation of new designs to the manufacturing and packaging of our products. She had inspiring conversations with our dedicated team, including our Head of Design Ute Popp, and gained insights into our vision for the future of Zöwie.

The article describes our efforts towards quality, innovation and sustainability, which are firmly anchored in our corporate culture. From the use of recycled paper to innovative packaging solutions that reduce our environmental impact, the article shows how we at Zöwie do our best to minimize our ecological footprint.
We are proud that our story has been told over time and hope the article reflects our love for the art of wrapping and our connection to our environment. Many thanks to Rebecca Kelber and “Die Zeit” for the opportunity to share our story.

Click here for the Zeit article
