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19.01.2024 | General
New era at ZOEWIE: Also a Marvel licensee from 2024

We at ZOEWIE are overjoyed to announce exciting news that will make 2024 a very special year for us and our valued customers. We have now acquired the exclusive license for “Marvel” and will therefore expand our range to include one of the world’s most popular and iconic brands.

This partnership means our customers now have the opportunity to showcase gift packaging inspired by the iconic characters and stories of the Marvel Universe. From Iron Man to Spider-Man to the Avengers, our products will cover a wide range of heroes and villains to suit every fan.

What makes our Marvel gift boxes so special? In addition to the official license, they offer premium quality and an attractive design that captures the magic and excitement of the Marvel films, comics and TV series. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary celebration or any other special occasion, our packaging ensures that the gift takes the recipient by storm.

The introduction of the Marvel license is a significant milestone for ZÖWIE and underlines our commitment to always offer our customers the best and most exciting products. In addition to our existing Disney license, we are now expanding our portfolio to offer an even greater variety of themes and designs.

We invite all Marvel fans and gift wrap lovers to be enchanted by our new collection. Stay tuned for more exciting announcements and product launches as we continue to revolutionize the gift wrapping experience.

Click here for the collection.

Please send your individual inquiries to info@zoewie.com. We look forward to seeing you!
